It has been cold here lately.  The trees are already turning and yet I refuse to turn on the heat this early in the year.  Unfortunately, that means spending twenty minutes layering Kate every morning and it also requires more handknits.  I get a lot of satisfaction out of using up odds and ends to make baby cloths so I used up some Louet Gems Sport left over from mum’s birthday sweater last year to make her a little vest.

I couldn’t find a published pattern that used sport weight yarn in the amount I had on hand so I decided to design one. This was all well and good until the math involved with armholes and not disrupting the pattern at which point I ripped and reknit about a bajillion times.

I wanted a stretchy stitch pattern so that the vest would grow with her a little so I chose a lace and rib pattern from the first Treasury.  I thought it would be huge on her before I tried it on but it turns out she won’t be able to wear it through the winter. She’s only in the twenty-fifth percentile for weight so width isn’t the problem, it’s length – she’s in the ninety-seventh percentile for that! She obviously inherited Chris’s body type.

I finished the edges with single crochet made some fabric covered buttons for the shoulder openings. I only wish that I had made the tabs a little longer so that they would fall on the front of her shoulder rather than the top so that they’d be a little more visible and I could adjust them as she grows. I didn’t block it because I didn’t want to flatten and stretch out the ribbing.


  • Friend and neighbour Michelle is now the proud owner of my old sewing machine and I’m happy to report that she is full on obsessed with her new hobby. She’s hoarding fabric and stitching away like a real champ.  I took her fabric shopping and helped her with her first real project and look at how great she did!
  • Michelle’s amazing sister in Edmonton made this incredible vanity area for herself.  Next time she’s on the rez I fully expect her to come over and redecorate my entire home.
  • This Black Pepper Tofu is so yummy.
  • I bought this waffle maker and it’s so awesome. The waffles are nice and thin and crispy.
  • We are trying to sleep train Kate and it is both sucky and wonderful. She only woke up once last night, and not even for a feed, but trying to put her back down when she has short naps, and then wake her back up again when it’s time to eat is awful.  She is so fed up with our shenanigans but I’m hoping the result with be glorious. Wish us luck.